Summary of dont sweat the small stuff

March 31st, 2015
  • Focus on changing the things you can change and accept those you can't
  • Be a less aggressive driver. We waste energy telling someone else how annoyed we are about 'road rage' incidents. Why not simply allow the other driver to get stressed and simply let it go.
  • Often we focus on what we don't have and what's wrong rather than being content and appreciating what we do have
  • It's good to remind yourself that life is ok the way it is right now. Without judgement, everything would be fine
  • Avoid building mental snowballs, one thought leading to another and another. The earlier you can catch yourself, the easier it is to stop thoughts running away
  • Don't forget that the purpose of a 'things to do' inbox is that it's meant to have things in it. So don't get caught up with the things 'you have not done yet' as it's not meant to be empty!
  • The thing is, pretty much everything can actually wait
  • Kind acts are wonderful but their even more powerful when you don't need to tell anyone about them
  • Next time somone tells you a story, resist the urge to immediately tell them something about your experience in response
  • Instead, bite your tongue and ask them to tell you more. give them the floor
  • The present moment is where you are regardless of what happened yesterday or what may or may not happen tomorrow
  • Now is the only time we have, there is no dress rehearsal so we have to take control of it
  • The best way to combat fear is to bring yourself back to the present moment
  • It's not easy but you have to keep your attention on the right now
  • Imagine everyone you meet is here to teach you something rather than judging them for something you think is right or wrong
  • e.g you're stuck in a long cue, what is this teaching you rather than the frustration of being in the long queue?
  • Most people believe it's their job to highlight to others their position or views and point out why others are incorrect. Those who learn to listen are the most loved and respected
  • Don't forget, life isn't fair and that's not ideal but it's easier once you accept it
  • Sometimes you should just do nothing. This isn't laziness but allowing yourself to just be for a few minutes each day.
  • Remind yourself that everybody dies! Sounds extreme but it allows you to put things into perspective and remind you what you want to achieve and the kind of person you want to be
  • Slow down with your responses and becoming a better listener will aid you in becoming a more peaceful person
  • It's far more peaceful to consciously decide which battles are worth fighting and which are best left alone
  • In low moods we often lose perspective. When you're in this state, it's the the time to analyse your life
  • "This too shall pass"
  • Look at life as a test. When you see it as a test each time you being to see issues or problems as a way to grow and improve how you handle them. You always have a chance to succeed no matter how hard the issue is that you're faced with
  • Remember that if other people are rude or not doing a good job they might just be having a bad day
  • Don't immediately jump to a conclusion that they are bad peope
  • Try not to constantly prove yourself to others. It's far more powerful to practice kindness over being right
  • Stop judging others, it takes a huge amount of energy and pulls you away from where you want to be
  • Avoid the negative talk. We're our worst critics, so if you want to achieve stuff we have to silence the greatest critic, you.
  • Avoid dismissing other peoples views or opinions. Instead, try to see it from their perspective and try to find some tiny grain of truth in it
  • Imagine things as already being broke so it's not such a surprise when they do break
  • Take a deep breath before you respond to someone, especially during heated moments.
  • Most people aren't really listening to others, they are just waiting for their opportunity to talk
  • Remind yourself that you have a choice in life on how you react to things. Essentially stop making a big deal over everything as we often blow things out of proportion
  • Whenever you fall into the "I wish life was different trap" take a deep breath and focus on all the good things you have instead
  • Whenever you have a thought, that's all it is, just a thought. Remember that before you convince yourself that you should be unhappy or annoyed. You have a choice on how your thoughts play out
  • There is no better time to be happy than now
  • Remember that often the things we think are going to happen don't happen the way we think they will. Most of the time we're wrong so don't blow things up and assume terrible things will happen
  • What does this problem look like a year from now, 2 years from now, 100 years from now? The chances are it won't matter too much
  • Don't expect a problem free day, instead expect problems to come up and see it as an other hurdle to overcome and an opportunity to learn from it
  • Practice being a good listener and let people have the satisfaction of being right rather than trying to convert people into seeing why your way is right
  • Remember that thinking negative is just your thinking not your life
  • Mind your own business is much more than avoiding gossip or talking behind someones back

By Jonathan Clift, a UX Desginer based in the UK.