Review of 2018 goals

January 6th, 2019

Another year flies by and another year or not achieving all of my goals! I think maybe I was a bit ambitious with what I wanted to achieve last year, so lets take a look:

Run sub 20minute 5km
I didn't get anywhere near this time, in fact my times have got even slower! Think I'll add this one to the list again this year but maybe not quite so ambitious.

Daily stretching (Unrealistic but basically stretch more!)
To be fair, I certainly did more of this than I've done before but I can't claim I did daily stretching. Probably need to put this on the list again but a more realistic target, maybe like 3 times a week.

Run 2 10km races
I managed to do one 10km race but that was it. Will move this to next year too as will definitely do this in 2019

Read 12 non-fiction books (3 done so far)
Need to check how many I read. Certainly wasn't 12 but maybe did about half of this. Can never read enough so just need to keep reading.

Write UX design ebook (UX Audit – Simple strategies for improving your SaaS app)
I've done loads of planning of this and have lots of ideas but I didn't get round to putting pen to paper

Declutter house (Weekly purge of junk!)
I'd say this can be ticked off. We've done quite a bit of this year and will continue in 2019

Launch a side project-
I can categorically say this was completed, ironically very early on in the year too! was launched which allows you to easily queue and schedule articles to read rather than just adding them to a static list that means it grows and grows without every being read.

Write 12 blog posts on UX design or related
I wrote a grand total of 8 articles last year, most of them book summaries so this was another missed goal. Generally speaking I just need to write more stuff. perhaps just 12 blog posts on anything can be the target this year.

Finish ninja writing course –
Another half finished goal :(

Learn guitar (BBQ style playing basically, able to play lots of well-known songs again)
I can check this one off as done though! Started playing quite a bit of guitar again although stopped before xmas! Will continue this for sure.

Eat fewer cookies
This definitely didn't happen! But I've decided to have a healthy January so I'm going cold turkey on all cookies, crisps etc until end of January at least.

By Jonathan Clift, a UX Desginer based in the UK.