Time to set my goals for 2018. Here we go:
- Run sub 20minute 5km
- Daily stretching (Unrealistic but basically stretch more!)
- Run 2 10km races
- Read 12 non-fiction books (3 done so far)
- Write UX design ebook (UX Audit – Simple strategies for improving your SaaS app)
- Declutter house (Weekly purge of junk!)
- -Launch a side project-
- Write 12 blog posts on UX design or related
- Finish ninja writing course – https://www.udemy.com/ninja-writing-the-four-levels-of-writing-mastery/learn/v4/overview
- Learn guitar (BBQ style playing basically, able to play lots of well-known songs again)
- Eat fewer cookies
By Jonathan Clift, a UX Desginer based in the UK.